Tools and Resources

Every item on this page is a part of my creative toolbox. Every one of these is a product I’ve purchased or have experience with and would recommend, so I hope you find them helpful too. This page contains some affiliate links, which means if you decide to purchase somthing using the links below, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.


Links to help navigate around the page. Click “Back to Top” in any section to return here to the Contents.

The essentials

A Basic Toolkit

The essential tools are simply pen, ink, and paper. Here are the bare minimum tools I recommend to get started.


Calligraphy Pens


Fountain Pen Ink

White / Colored Paper

Black Paper

Other Writing Tools

DigitaL Calligraphy

Tablets & Accessories






I’m in the Mac ecosystem and these are the computers that I would currently recommend:


  • Elgato Stream Deckthis is one of my absolute favorite tools and I honestly don’t know how I lived without one before I got my first one. I use this to trigger shortcuts in my favorite programs so that I don’t have to remember them, but it can do much more as it integrates with several platforms.

Video & Photo

Camera Equipment

  • Canon M50 Mirrorless Camera MKII – I love this camera. The quick review: it’s small, light, convenient and great for capturing video of yourself of your work
  • Canon M6 MKII – if you can afford an increase in price this camera has a few additional features (uncropped 4k video, 120fps 1080p video). It’s just as portable as the M50 but unfortunately does lose the articulating viewfinder.

Audio Equipment

Other Favorites

Other Helpful Tools & Supplies